• Подписок 3
  • Подписчиков 45
  • Фотоальбомов 2
  • Аудио 10
  • Фотографий 52
  • Видео 7
  • Статей 0

Anastasiya Krukova

Была в сети 07 Марта 2024
в 18:14:20 с iPhone

Основная информация

День рождения:
29 Июля
Семейное положение:
Университет КНУТКиТ (КГИТИ) им. И. К. Карпенко-Карого




Academy of art:
профессия - , работал с 2002 и по 2010


Место учёбы:
КНУТКиТ (КГИТИ) им. И. К. Карпенко-Карого
Театрального искусства
Форма обучения:
Заочное отделение

Школа №193 1990-1997 класс "б"

Школа №92 1997-1998

Эстрадно-цирковой колледж (КГКЭЦИ, эстрадно-циркового искусства) 1998-2002

Жизненная позиция

Политические предпочтения:
I believe in everything!!!!!!!!

Личные интересы


Личные интересы:
circus, dance, theatre, art........

Любимые фильмы:
Comedy, romantic, fantasy, historical and documental

Любимые телешоу:
so you think you can dance

Любимые книги:

Любимые игры:

О себе:
Happy, romantic and very sensitive ............. I am that I am I am that woman you can’t touch I am that woman that leaves you in lust I am that woman who bares a child I am that woman who continually wears a smile I am that woman who loves in heart I am that woman who is wild yet smart I am that woman who is a classic in style I am that woman you want to stay for a while For I am that I am I am that diva girl with hips and a attitude to match I am that gorgeous girl with the hair draping down her back I am that girl the boys yell “Aye girl “ to and I laugh I am that girl that you wish you could have I am that girl who takes charge at what she wants I am that girl who is the unique one out the bunch I am that girl who you can’t afford to receive I am that girl that always leaves them on their knees I am that I am I am that lady you can’t resist when she passes I am that lady who leaves them In the dust of her past I am that woman who cares for herself and stands high I am that woman who is a lover but a devilish fighter I am that lady who leaves youy stuck in a deep wonder I am that woman who is a friend to many I am the lady who doesn’t compare to you or her enemies For I am that I am Every woman girl and lady can come to a sense That no other can compare to a lady girl or woman of such class Because every woman I mean every woman knows I am that I am


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