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Tom Valus

Был в сети 11 Июня 2024
в 03:13:39 с браузера

Основная информация

День рождения:
26 Мая
Семейное положение:
не женат
Downers Grove
Родной город:
Работа Operating Engineer




Operating Engineer:
профессия - machine operator, работает с 1986 и по сей день
профессия - warehouse , работал с и по 1986


Associate in technology
Форма обучения:
Очное отделение
Выпускник (специалист)

Lions High School

000 1986-1989специализация: Apprenticeship for Operating Engineer

Triton College

Жизненная позиция

believe in higher powers

Личные интересы

travel and camping, Hiking, walks, I just like to enjoy the outdoors anyway I can even if it is just sitting and relaxing away from everything and everyone

Личные интересы:
travel, cars, doing things outside. I like to spend time with friends. there is nothing better than a good time with close friends. My favorite pace to visit is in Colorado. It is a very high mountain. It is the highest paved road in North America. It is 14264 ft (4348 m) tall. It is so nice you can see forever

Любимые фильмы:
Action and thriller when I have time but I have not been to the movies in a long time. It is expensive and time consuming to go sit in a movie theater. If I am to watch a movie, I prefer to rent or buy the movie and watch it at home

Любимые телешоу:
informative shows when able to watch. Funny series when I just want to relax and enjoy. I only watch TV when I am alone. But then again I will spend some of that alone time on the computer instead of watching TV. My TV is usually on only for the noise

Любимые книги:
Chronicals of Narnia. I do not get much time to read and I am not a big reader anyway. I guess that is why I do not have much time to read because it is not my favorite so I do not make the time. I probably should be would rather live life than sit and read

Любимые игры:
solitare, I do not play many games but I do enjoy to play any games sometimes

О себе:
Thoughtful and caring but do not like to be or allow to be taken advantage of. I am cautious and careful. I enjoy sunsets and sunrises. I like to have fun and enjoy life. I like to spend time and enjoy life with my special friends and family.

Любимые цитаты:
"what is meant to be, will be" You have to live life to the fullest, "you only live once" and "life is short".


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