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Pep Domenech Codina

Был в сети 25 Марта 2018
в 23:53:36 с браузера

Основная информация

День рождения:
15 Декабря 1951 (73 лет)



Жизненная позиция

Политические предпочтения:
Humanismo laico

Личные интересы

Sabadell, 1949 Very early in his career he already used alternative media and participated in the Catalan Conceptual Art movement. With Josefina Miralles and Benet Ferrer, among others, he formed the core of this movement in Sabadell. His work was shown at the first and second exhibitions of young artists in Granollers (Mostra d’Art Jove) held in 1971 and 1972 . In1972 he exhibited the serie “Naturaleses” at the Sala Vinçon, Barcelona, and the following year at Sala Tres, Sabadell. He has always been interested in symbols and some elements of popular culture. With Jordi Pablo and Josefina Miralles he worked on the exhibition “Valors del Costumari Català a les arts plàstiques” (Richness of Catalan Customs in the Arts), a travelling exhibition in Catalonia (1976). In 1976 his work was shown in the exhibition “Objecte”, the first anthology of Catalan Object Art, at the Joan Miró Foundation and at the postal art exhibition organized by Metrònom (1981). During the eighties he continued working on the idea of the object and the igious symbolism and ritual within a “bizarre” aesthetic that is difficult to classify. [Excerpted from "Ideas y Actitudes. Idees i Actituds. Entorn de l’art conceptual a Catalunya, 1964-1980...(1992)". Exhibition and Catalogue texts by Pilar Parcerisas.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laberint.. Fundació Joan Miró (1979) Rellotge anelemàtic (1986) Idees i Actituds. Entorn de l’ art conceptual a Catalunya, 1964-1980...(1992) La Sala Tres (1972-1979) en la ruta de l’art alternatiu a Catalunya Museu d’Art de Sabadell (2007) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some reviews - Cirici, A., "La mostra jove a Granollers", “Serra d’Or”, no. 142, Barcelona, ​​July 1971 (p. 47-49). - Giralt-Miracle, D., "Las participaciones", “Destino” no. 1769, Barcelona, ​​August 28, 1971. - SUAREZ, A. / Vidal, M., "Postal-Art/Art-Postal", "Serra d'Or" no. 177, Barcelona, ​​June 15, 1974 (p. 53-54). - SUAREZ, A. / Vidal, M., "Sabadell, Josep Domènech, " Serra d'Or "no. 189, Barcelona, ​​June 15, 1975 (p. 84-85), - "Los recipientes de Pep Domènech", El Correo Catalán, Barcelona. (Unsigned review). - "Exposició a l'Associació del Personal de la Caixa de Pensions de Madrid”" “Triumfo " no.. 678, Madrid, January 24, 1975 (unsigned review). - "Arte de ahora" "Idol" no.. 660, Madrid, May 24, 1975 (unsigned review). - "Fomento de las Artes Decorativas", “Nueva Lente” no.. 39, Madrid, inMay 1975 (see pg 72) (unsigned review). - SUAREZ, A. / Vidal, M., "Joseph Domenech, Noticiari, " Serra d'Or "no. 208, Barcelona, ​​January 1977 (p. 47). - SUAREZ, A. / Vidal, M., "Exposició Sala Tres de l'Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sabadell" Newsletter, "Serra d'Or" no. 229, Barcelona, ​​October 1978 (p. 61). - Cruells RODRIGUEZ, M., "Sala d'Exposicions Exhibition" La Caixa ", " Batik "No.. 55, Barcelona, ​​May 1980 (p. 77). - CREUS, M., "Una guerrilla artística catalana a la conquista de los medios alternativos" (in the series "concept art"), "La Vanguardia, Barcelona, ​​2 de May, 1989 (p. 51). - - Poéticos, políticos y periféricos. En torno al arte conceptual en España, 1964-1980 (2007) Pilar Parcerisas. .................................................................................................... - During eight years director of the Municipal School of Arts and Crafts in Sabadell. - Since 1995 creating Internet projects and diving on the Net He currently lives in Barcelona
