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Олег Вдовин

Был в сети 10 Июня 2024
в 06:40:56 с Android

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Главное в людях:
ум и креативность
Главное в жизни:

Личные интересы

Любимые фильмы:
eXistenZ, A Clockwork Orange, Ben X, The butterfly effect, A.I., 23, El Maquinista, La science des rêves, Blood And Bones, Donnie Darko, Requiem for a Dream, Dreamcatcher, Fight Club, Zatoichi, The Jacket, Trainspotting, Oldboy, Ichi The Killer, Brazil, The Aviator, Be with me, C'est arrivé près de chez vous, American Psycho, K-PAX, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Kovak Box, Full Metal Jacket, Death Proof, Four Rooms, Baunsu ko gaurusu, Ex Drummer, Dead Man, Сaotica ana, Cidade de Deus, Amores perros, Contact, Tideland, Spread, Doghouse, Interview with the Vampire, Tipping the Velvet, Dorian Gray, Strange Days, Lost in Translation, MaLICE iN WoNDERLaNDE, Jacob's Ladder, Six-String Samurai, Castaway on the Moon, Gattaca, Dolan's Cadillac, My Own Love Song, The Straight Story, Naked Lunch, Dark City, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Thirteenth Floor, A Beautiful Mind, Bunraku, Dead Man Running, Feast 1, 2, 3, La Invenci?n de Cronos, Zodiak, Devil, Burke and Hare, Leaving Las Vegas, Apocalypse now, Cast Away, Watchmen, tHe sunset LimiteD, The Way Back, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest, The Shawshank Redemption, The Departed, Source Code, The Game, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, 12 Monkeys, Californication, The Big Lebowski, Body of Lies, Indigènes, Ravenous, The World's Fastest Indian, (500) Days of Summer, Event Horizon, L.A. Confidential, Predestination, Repo men, Pulp Fiction, Sunshine, Lucky Number Slevin, Django Unchained, Bram Stoker`s Dracula, I Saw The Devil, Layer Cake, Solace, Snatch, The Shining, Black Mass, The Hateful Eight, The Big Short, Identity, Spotlight, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Hail, Caesar!, Le tout nouveau testament, Kill Your Friends, The Man from Earth, Red Lights, The Sunshine Makers, Gold, Seven Sisters, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, Suburbicon, The Place, Perfetti sconosciuti, Green Book, Midsommar, Midnight in Paris, The Only Living Boy in New York, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Her, Prozac Nation, Killing Them Softly

О себе:
В связях, порочащих меня был, но не замечен. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Один раз я очень устал и теперь не могу обратно отдохнуть.

Любимые цитаты:
Так грациозно беззаботно и весело Вниз головой за ноги жизнь нас повесила
