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Maks Maks

Был в сети 02 Декабря 2011
в 11:36:42 с браузера

Основная информация

День рождения:
22 Июля
Родной город:
Университет Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris




Место учёбы:
Institut de physique du globe de Paris
Форма обучения:
Очное отделение
Доктор наук
Год окончания:

Школа №16 1999-2006 класс "б"

Школа №79 2006-2007 класс "а"

Жизненная позиция

Политические предпочтения:
Никто не обязан сообщать о своем отношении к религии (ч.5 ст.3 ФЗ от 26.09.97 г. N 125-Ф)

Личные интересы

Личные интересы:
_____________________________________________ Music; English; Adrenaline; Chatter; Walk; Glamour Girl; Day; Depression; Friends; Preparations of the hemp; Fool around; Meal; Heat; tin plate; Life; Acquaintance; Toys; Roe; Internet; Cinema; Companies; Yell; Bathe; Laziness; Summer; Loved Person; Milkshake; Sea; Icecream; Effrontery; Virgin pranks; Pride; Contact; Optimism; Relations; Take-off; Cookie; Positive; popcorn; Bed; Coffee; Weasel; Thoughts; Massage; Money; Daydreams; Naive films about love; Weapon; Balls champaign; Psychology; Parfume; Parents; Joy; Rainbow; Drawings; Rose-colored glasses:); Sitting; On bench; Examinr Closely the passer-by; Sport; Hear I love you; Dream; Velocity; Dogs; Happiness; Poetry; Style; Country of the world; Dance; Smiles; Success; Pleasure; Flirtation; Good alcohol; Photographies; Flowerses; Chocolate; Dear cloth; Emotions; Black as night Devices; All interesting!

Любимые телешоу:
_____________________________________________ Comedy Club

Любимые книги:
_____________________________________________ Not amateur to read

Любимые игры:
_____________________________________________ Need For Speed: Underground (2003); Need For Speed: Underground 2 (2004); Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2005); Need For Speed: Carbon (2006); Need For Speed: Pro Street (2007); Need For Speed: Undercover (2008); Need For Speed: Shift (2009); Grand Theft Auto 2 (1999); Grand Theft Auto 3: Vice City (2003); Grand Theft Auto 3: San Andreas (2005); Grand Theft Auto IV (2008); Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost And Damned (2010); Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony (2010); Heroes of Might and Magic III: Wake of Gods (2001); Counter Strike 1.6 (2003); StarCraft II (2010);

О себе:
_____________________________________________ No music - no life ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Я не серьезно отношусь к тем людям в интернете которых не видел в реале.. ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ если хотите узнать меня, встретьтесь..... http://vkontakte.ru/id92483887 или http://vkontakte.ru/id57805815

Любимые цитаты:
_____________________________________________ Here is from plastic arts bottle, lid there is, but from the side hole, here is, adown, beside most beside bottom. For what me she? agitated about that, worthy you that to have a high rank. The Dialects truth and then not to come nothing remember. Never allow feeling to take the top on reason... Beautifully live not to lock. Does Not mistaken one, nothing do not do. If want to shine on light-do not do soil in the dark. It is Important not that place,which we occupy, but that direction, in which we move. Declare about itself presently, tomorrow will late! If you know the names of all motion, which dance, that you or beginner, or dancer of the international class. (Dassi) ... I to spit that you on I think...I about you do not think in general! Coco Chanel (с) "Ты не несёшь отвественности за то, что ждут от тебя другие люди - если от тебя ждут слишком многого, то это их ошибка, а не твоя вина". Childhood - time, when do not think the mate... Nobody is perfect. I'm nobody. I'm perfect. The women dash In eye, which never dash us to neck. (А. Davidovich) All, I rich. While, losers, I hated always you! © Futurama Shame on you for yesterday's, but not litter before whom... There is slider? "If muddy - muddy quietly. If telephone not sign, better not raise tube, do not be the fool. Know that? Better in general not muddy. And never moves on one way" © Guf Better do and feel sorry,than not to do and feel sorry


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